Cupping therapy have Assure results in Pain Management. Specially in Back pain, Neck pain, Knee pain, Joint pain, Frozen Shoulder, Sciatica and Uric acid.
Skin Diseases
In Skin Diseases there are very Good results of Cupping therapy. Diseases like Acne, Pimples, Urticaria, Fungal Infection, Dermatitis and Psoriasis.
Hormonal Imbalance PCOD / Thyroid Disorder
Cupping is Usefull in diseases from Hormonal imbalance that is leading to PCOD, Thyroid and Pre Menopausal symptoms in early ages.
Hair Growth
Cupping therapy shows very good results to Stop Hair fall, Graying of Hair and M-Pattern & Crown Baldness. Also in Dandruff & Scalp Fungal & Psoriasis.
Migraine / Stress Management
Cupping therapy have promising results in Migraine, Stress, Anxiety, Head ache, Psychological Disorder, Seizure and Epilepsy, Mind Peace
Preventive Measures For Life Style Diseases
Cupping therapy is useful in Body Building, Muscle Stretch, Muscle Development, Sprain, To Increase Physical Activity, & Serve Healthy Life.